verclsid.exe File Information – What is it & How to Block

  • Ankita 
  • OS

VerClsId.exe is an executable application and is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. It’s not a malware or virus, but can be modified by the third party. Here you will find detail information about VerClsid.exe, its uses, common error and how to fix it.

File detail: Extension CLSID Verification Host

Type: Application

File version: 10.0.18362.1

Copyright: Microsoft Corporation

The full form of VerClsId.exe is Verify Class ID. 

What is VerClsid.exe?

VerClsId.exe is known as Extension CLSID Verification Host, where CLSID stands for Class ID.

It is responsible for verifying each shell extensions before they are used by Windows Explorer or Windows shell. This VerClsid.exe was first introduced with Windows XP but now it has been seen with Windows 10 as well.

Verclsid.exe file information

Shell extensions are pieces of program codes developed by third party authors, who change how the Windows operating system responds to commands. Thus, they modify the way a shell (software code piece) behaves with the system (kernel).

Windows Shell is the graphical user interface for the Windows Operating System. Some of its objects include Taskbar, Start Menu, This PC, Libraries, and Control Panel.

Windows Explorer, also known as File Explorer is the file manager for Windows. 

File size & location

  • The file size of version 10.0.18362 of VerClsId.exe is approximately 13.5 KB. The file size of its version 5.1.2600.2869 is 28 KB.
  • The location of VerClsId.exe is in the C:\Windows\System32 folder and sometime it may be located under C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory.

Is it safe or a virus?

VerClsId.exe is a part of Windows and is therefore safe and legitimate. But, in case a malware assumes its identity to fool the system’s anti-virus software and firewalls, then it may be dangerous.

There are three ways to identify if such malware exists:

  • If the location of the malware is not in the C:\Windows\System32folder
  • If it is not copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation.
  • If it is not digitally signed by Microsoft Windows Component Publisher.

Common Errors

Common errors that are usually encountered are:

  • “End Program – verclsid.exe. This program is not responding”
  • “Extension CLSID verification host has stopped working”.

How to Fix VerClsid.exe?

Many people have a complaint that they started receiving verclsid.exe error after downloading the Windows update 908531. If you are not sure whether verclsid.exe is a malware or virus then you may block this application to make an outbound connection. For this, follow the below steps:

1) Click on Windows logo and type Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security

2) Click on Outbound Rules located on the left-hand panel.

Windows Defender Firewall Outbound rules

3) Now click on New-rules located on right-hand-panel

New Rule

4) A new window will open, click on Program located on the left-hand side

5) Choose the radio button This program path, paste below code and click on the Next button.


New outbound rules wizard

6) Now choose Block the connection and click on Next button

Block the connection

7) A new window will open, click again on Next, enter the name and brief detail and click on Next.

This will block VerClsid.exe to make any outbound connection.

Make sure to have a reliable Antivirus like Avast or Kaspersky, you may also read comparisons between Avast and Kaspersky here and take your decision.

Another Solution

If you have noticed that VerClsid.exe is running in system background or consuming high CPU usage then you may consider updating your Windows 10. By doing this, your system will have the latest patch and will automatically fix this issue.

Other similar executable files:

BCSSync.exe, Glcnd.exe, Mqsvc.exe, Maps.exe, ehprivjob.exe



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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